About US
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After the economy crash on 1998. Bryan and Hongjia decided to set up the business of making belts on the “Leather Capital Of China”-- Wenzhou. Because they know that without high quality products, customers are not going to buy it. And Wenzhou is the place where top leather materials are.

1998 our own factory was established.
1999 Expend the equipment and facilities.

Good market share in China.
we grows in the industry, and our belts selling around China, we are really
happy about our products were accept by so many people. But there are a
questions come after “ we are pretty good in China but are we good enough for
our countries” and that’s our strategy for the following years – to sell the
belt to people all around the world.
2006 Buying computers, selling products on Alibaba international, building our own website.

Foreign trade branch over 10 people
We selling our products over 50 countries and revenue over 10 million.

the time we selling our products to customers from different countries, we
found that customers from different countries and religion always have
different requirements for their own products, and after all the years OEM and ODM
products, we’ve already set up a reliable product line from design to products.
And why not just focus on that and help all the small business owners to
establish their own brand with our professional design and products team.

Having our own design team.
Updated our facilities for better customized products.

Helped over 100 small business sellers with their business.

offering a wide range of well-design durable daily use fashion accessories with
an affordable price.

everyone have at least one good belt.